There isn't going to be that much appetite for this just so that people can use PostgreSQL without reading our documentation: or the output of typing "help" at the psql prompt that says "type \q to quit".
Agree with this. The whole reason people here are reluctant to add "quit" in the first place is that it could become a slippery slope where people now want every popular MySQL/Oracle command cloned, just so they can avoid reading docs and never understand the design/power/elegance of Postgres.
For example, while I think "quit" is a good idea, it'd be a shame if it caused people to never find out about \ commands.
> I'll agree that exiting the program is a special case that merits consideration
Yes, I think we can find the right balance here. We don't need to suddenly start implementing SHOW TABLES, as attractive as that is to people who know MySQL.