Re: row number with in cursor - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Kevin Duffy
Subject Re: row number with in cursor
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: row number with in cursor  (Adrian Klaver <>)
Responses Re: row number with in cursor
Re: row number with in cursor
List pgsql-sql
The cursor is defined as follows:

  currDR   CURSOR  (r  character(15),  sD date )  IS
       select  rate_key, rate_date,  rate_value,
           LAG(rate_date, 1 , null)   OVER w  as lag_r_date  ,
           LAG(rate_value, 1, null)   Over w  as lag_r_value ,
             ( LAG(rate_value, 1, null)   Over w /100  * ( rate_date -  LAG(rate_date, 1 , null)   OVER w )  )  / 360  as overnight_rate_return
       from rate_quote
       where rate_key  = r  and rate_date  >= sD
       WINDOW w as (PARTITION BY  rate_key  order by rate_date  ROWS 1 PRECEDING )
       order by 2   ;

Cursor works fine
Could I add a row number to the above?


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:26 PM, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
On 10/06/2016 05:05 PM, Kevin Duffy wrote:
Hello All:

I need your kind assistance, to learn if it is possible
within a cursor to know what row you are on.

What version of Postgres?

Are you actually using a CURSOR as defined by plpgsql?:

Looks like you are LOOPing over the results of a function?

Something like this:

for currDateRate  IN  currDR( rate_in,  start_date )  LOOP

  raise notice ' currDateRate.rate_date: %', currDateRate.rate_date ;
  raise notice ' currDateRate.lag_r_value: %', currDateRate.lag_r_value ;
  raise notice ' currDateRate.rate_value: %', currDateRate.rate_value ;
  raise notice ' currDateRate.overnight_r: %',
currDateRate.overnight_rate_return ;
  tr_index  :=  tr_index  *( 1+ currDateRate.overnight_rate_return  )  ;
  raise notice ' tr_index: %',tr_index ;
 -- this does NOT work
  raise notice ' row number %', currDateRate%ROWNUMBER ;

There is no ROWNUMBER in plpgsql(I am assuming you are using that?).


for testing purposes would like to break out after twenty records.
Yes I know I could do a simple counter like this:

  rtn_cnt :=  rtn_cnt +1;
  if rtn_cnt  >= 20  then
      return  rtn_cnt;

I think you will need to use some variation of the above.
Or add an argument to currDR(assuming it is a function) that sets a LIMIT.

thamks for your attention to this matter


Adrian Klaver

pgsql-sql by date:

From: Adrian Klaver
Subject: Re: row number with in cursor
From: Adrian Klaver
Subject: Re: row number with in cursor