Content of pg_publication using a local connection versus network connection? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Shaheed Haque
Subject Content of pg_publication using a local connection versus network connection?
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List pgsql-general

I'm a novice-ish when it comes to Postgres, but I've studied the docs and not been able to understand why I can see the rows in pg_publication via a local psql session, but not when I am connected via the network.

Since the network login is (a) successful and (b) can read the content of other non-system tables, I guessed that my problem is row-level security (RLS)....except that from the docs, I was unable to see how the login type could affect RLS. What am I missing?

Here is some context...please do ask if something else needs to be clarified!

- System Postgres 16, AWS RDS version.
- The pg_publication tabe looks like this:

foo=>  \dpS pg_publication
                                      Access privileges
  Schema   |      Name      | Type  |     Access privileges     | Column privileges | Policies  
pg_catalog | pg_publication | table | rdsadmin=arwdDxt/rdsadmin+|                   |  
           |                |       | =r/rdsadmin               |                   |

- When I am logged in as this user via psql, I  can see:

foo=> select * from pg_publication;
 oid  |      pubname      | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate | pubviaroot  
98923 | vm_db_publication |    16478 | t            | t         | t         | t         | t           | f

- When I connect via psycog, I can read other tables, but pg_publication aways seems to return no rows.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thanks, Shaheed

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