Re: index prefetching - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Peter Geoghegan
Subject Re: index prefetching
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In response to Re: index prefetching  (Tomas Vondra <>)
List pgsql-hackers
On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 3:45 AM Tomas Vondra
<> wrote:
> > What the exact historical timeline is may not be that important. My
> > emphasis on ScalarArrayOpExpr is partly due to it being a particularly
> > compelling case for both parallel index scan and prefetching, in
> > general. There are many queries that have huge in() lists that
> > naturally benefit a great deal from prefetching. Plus they're common.
> >
> Did you mean parallel index scan or bitmap index scan?

I meant parallel index scan (also parallel bitmap index scan). Note
that nbtree parallel index scans have special ScalarArrayOpExpr
handling code.

ScalarArrayOpExpr is kind of special -- it is simultaneously one big
index scan (to the executor), and lots of small index scans (to
nbtree). Unlike the queries that you've looked at so far, which really
only have one plausible behavior at execution time, there are many
ways that ScalarArrayOpExpr index scans can be executed at runtime --
some much faster than others. The nbtree implementation can in
principle reorder how it processes ranges from the key space (i.e.
each range of array elements) with significant flexibility.

> I think I understand, although maybe my mental model is wrong. I agree
> it seems inefficient, but I'm not sure why would it make prefetching
> hopeless. Sure, it puts index scans at a disadvantage (compared to
> bitmap scans), but it we pick index scan it should still be an
> improvement, right?

Hopeless might have been too strong of a word. More like it'd fall far
short of what is possible to do with a ScalarArrayOpExpr with a given
high end server.

The quality of the implementation (including prefetching) could make a
huge difference to how well we make use of the available hardware
resources. A really high quality implementation of ScalarArrayOpExpr +
prefetching can keep the system busy with useful work, which is less
true with other types of queries, which have inherently less
predictable I/O (and often have less I/O overall). What could be more
amenable to predicting I/O patterns than a query with a large IN()
list, with many constants that can be processed in whatever order
makes sense at runtime?

What I'd like to do with ScalarArrayOpExpr is to teach nbtree to
coalesce together those "small index scans" into "medium index scans"
dynamically, where that makes sense. That's the main part that's
missing right now. Dynamic behavior matters a lot with
ScalarArrayOpExpr stuff -- that's where the challenge lies, but also
where the opportunities are. Prefetching builds on all that.

> I guess I need to do some testing on a range of data sets / queries, and
> see how it works in practice.

If I can figure out a way of getting ScalarArrayOpExpr to visit each
leaf page exactly once, that might be enough to make things work
really well most of the time. Maybe it won't even be necessary to
coordinate very much, in the end. Unsure.

I've already done a lot of work that tries to minimize the chances of
regular (non-ScalarArrayOpExpr) queries accessing more than a single
leaf page, which will help your strategy of just prefetching items
from a single leaf page at a time -- that will get you pretty far
already. Consider the example of the tenk2_hundred index from the
bt_page_items documentation. You'll notice that the high key for the
page shown in the docs (and every other page in the same index) nicely
makes the leaf page boundaries "aligned" with natural keyspace
boundaries, due to suffix truncation. That helps index scans to access
no more than a single leaf page when accessing any one distinct
"hundred" value.

We are careful to do the right thing with the "boundary cases" when we
descend the tree, too. This _bt_search behavior builds on the way that
suffix truncation influences the on-disk structure of indexes. Queries
such as "select * from tenk2 where hundred = ?" will each return 100
rows spread across almost as many heap pages. That's a fairly large
number of rows/heap pages, but we still only need to access one leaf
page for every possible constant value (every "hundred" value that
might be specified as the ? in my point query example). It doesn't
matter if it's the leftmost or rightmost item on a leaf page -- we
always descend to exactly the correct leaf page directly, and we
always terminate the scan without having to move to the right sibling
page (we check the high key before going to the right page in some
cases, per the optimization added by commit 29b64d1d).

The same kind of behavior is also seen with the TPC-C line items
primary key index, which is a composite index. We want to access the
items from a whole order in one go, from one leaf page -- and we
reliably do the right thing there too (though with some caveats about
CREATE INDEX). We should never have to access more than one leaf page
to read a single order's line items. This matters because it's quite
natural to want to access whole orders with that particular
table/workload (it's also unnatural to only access one single item
from any given order).

Obviously there are many queries that need to access two or more leaf
pages, because that's just what needs to happen. My point is that we
*should* only do that when it's truly necessary on modern Postgres
versions, since the boundaries between pages are "aligned" with the
"natural boundaries" from the keyspace/application. Maybe your testing
should verify that this effect is actually present, though. It would
be a shame if we sometimes messed up prefetching that could have
worked well due to some issue with how page splits divide up items.

CREATE INDEX is much less smart about suffix truncation -- it isn't
capable of the same kind of tricks as nbtsplitloc.c, even though it
could be taught to do roughly the same thing. Hopefully this won't be
an issue for your work. The tenk2 case still works as expected with
CREATE INDEX/REINDEX, due to help from deduplication. Indexes like the
TPC-C line items PK will leave the index with some "orders" (or
whatever the natural grouping of things is) that span more than a
single leaf page, which is undesirable, and might hinder your
prefetching work. I wouldn't mind fixing that if it turned out to hurt
your leaf-page-at-a-time prefetching patch. Something to consider.

We can fit at most 17 TPC-C orders on each order line PK leaf page.
Could be as few as 15. If we do the wrong thing with prefetching for 2
out of every 15 orders then that's a real problem, but is still subtle enough
to easily miss with conventional benchmarking. I've had a lot of success
with paying close attention to all the little boundary cases, which is why
I'm kind of zealous about it now.

> > I wonder if you should go further than this, by actually sorting the
> > items that you need to fetch as part of processing a given leaf page
> > (I said this at the unconference, you may recall). Why should we
> > *ever* pin/access the same heap page more than once per leaf page
> > processed per index scan? Nothing stops us from returning the tuples
> > to the executor in the original logical/index-wise order, despite
> > having actually accessed each leaf page's pointed-to heap pages
> > slightly out of order (with the aim of avoiding extra pin/unpin
> > traffic that isn't truly necessary). We can sort the heap TIDs in
> > scratch memory, then do our actual prefetching + heap access, and then
> > restore the original order before returning anything.
> >
> I think that's possible, and I thought about that a bit (not just for
> btree, but especially for the distance queries on GiST). But I don't
> have a good idea if this would be 1% or 50% improvement, and I was
> concerned it might easily lead to regressions if we don't actually need
> all the tuples.

I get that it could be invasive. I have the sense that just pinning
the same heap page more than once in very close succession is just the
wrong thing to do, with or without prefetching.

> I mean, imagine we have TIDs
>     [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]
> Maybe T1, T5, T6 are from the same page, so per your proposal we might
> reorder and prefetch them in this order:
>     [T1, T5, T6, T2, T3, T4]
> But maybe we only need [T1, T2] because of a LIMIT, and the extra work
> we did on processing T5, T6 is wasted.

Yeah, that's possible. But isn't that par for the course? Any
optimization that involves speculation (including all prefetching)
comes with similar risks. They can be managed.

I don't think that we'd literally order by TID...we wouldn't change
the order that each heap page was *initially* pinned. We'd just
reorder the tuples minimally using an approach that is sufficient to
avoid repeated pinning of heap pages during processing of any one leaf
page's heap TIDs. ISTM that the risk of wasting work is limited to
wasting cycles on processing extra tuples from a heap page that we
definitely had to process at least one tuple from already. That
doesn't seem particularly risky, as speculative optimizations go. The
downside is bounded and well understood, while the upside could be

I really don't have that much confidence in any of this just yet. I'm
not trying to make this project more difficult. I just can't help but
notice that the order that index scans end up pinning heap pages
already has significant problems, and is sensitive to things like
small amounts of heap fragmentation -- maybe that's not a great basis
for prefetching. I *really* hate any kind of sharp discontinuity,
where a minor change in an input (e.g., from minor amounts of heap
fragmentation) has outsized impact on an output (e.g., buffers
pinned). Interactions like that tend to be really pernicious -- they
lead to bad performance that goes unnoticed and unfixed because the
problem effectively camouflages itself. It may even be easier to make
the conservative (perhaps paranoid) assumption that weird nasty
interactions will cause harm somewhere down the line...why take a

I might end up prototyping this myself. I may have to put my money
where my mouth is.  :-)

Peter Geoghegan

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