I have Postgres full text search set up for my application and it's been working great! However, my users would like their searches to turn up parts of URLs. For example, they would like a search for "foobar" to turn up a document that contains the string "http://example.com/foobar/__blah <http://example.com/foobar/blah>" (and similarly for queries like "example" and "blah). With the default dictionaries for host, url, and url_path, the search query would have to contain the complete host or url path.
What is the best way to accomplish this? Should I be looking at building a custom dictionary that breaks down hosts and urls or is there something simpler I can do?
I've looked at it in the context of adding fuzzy search. But my understanding is that doing a fuzzy search here would only work if the query were a significant fraction of, say, the url path. For example, I would expect a fuzzy search of "foobar" on "/foobar/x" to return a high similarity, but a fuzzy search of "foobar" on "/foobar/some/very/long/path/x" to have a low similarity.
Or are you suggesting using trigrams in a different way?
Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of allowing wildcard searching, not similarity.
Eg. CREATE INDEX yourtable_yourcol_gist_fbi ON yourtable using GIST ( yourcol gist_trgm_ops ); select * from yourtable where yourcol ~~ '%foobar%';