David Rowley <dgrowleyml@gmail.com>, 5 Tem 2024 Cum, 11:06 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
With the order you have it, that query could be expressed as:
WITH c AS (SELECT * FROM pg_backend_memory_contexts) SELECT c1.* FROM c c1, c c2 WHERE c2.name = 'CacheMemoryContext' AND c1.path[c2.level + 1] = c2.path[c2.level + 1];
Whereas, with the way I had in mind, it would need to look like:
WITH c AS (SELECT * FROM pg_backend_memory_contexts) SELECT c1.* FROM c c1, c c2 WHERE c2.name = 'CacheMemoryContext' AND c1.path[c1.level - c2.level + 1] = c2.path[1];
I kind of think the latter makes more sense, as if for some reason you know the level and context ID of the context you're looking up, you can do:
I liked the fact that a context would always be at the same position, level+1, in all context_ids arrays of its children. But what you described makes sense as well, so I changed the order.
I also imagined "path" would be called "context_ids". I thought that might better indicate what the column is without consulting the documentation.
I think it might also be easier to document what context_ids is:
"Array of transient identifiers to describe the memory context hierarchy. The first array element contains the ID for the current context and each subsequent ID is the parent of the previous element. Note that these IDs are unstable between multiple invocations of the view. See the example query below for advice on how to use this column effectively."
There are also a couple of white space issues with the patch. If you're in a branch with the patch applied directly onto master, then "git diff master --check" should show where they are.