On Tue, 4 Mar 2025 at 10:22, Peter Eisentraut <peter@eisentraut.org> wrote:
> I don't know if I like that. I can see the point of getting to the
> action quicker, but this sort of obscures the hierarchy of the site and
> the data. Before it was like, select a commitfest, select a filter,
> here are some patches. Now it's like, here is some stuff. Where did it
> come from, how does it relate to the other stuff, how do I get to an
> overview of all the stuff and the hierarchy of stuff.
I'm curious if there was anything specific that you used the old
homepage for. Especially things you did often that are now harder to
do. The only things I used on the homepage were:
1. Going to the "In Progress" and "Open" commitfest (usually with one
of the links that filter for patches related to me).
2. Going to the most-recently "Closed" commitfest to move/close my
previously submitted patches.
3. Search for commitfest entries by Message-ID
I agree that the new homepage now hides the hierarchy of the site, but
I'd say that most people using it probably don't really have to know
about that hierarchy. At least not care so much that it should be on
the initial page. I definitely have never clicked on a link for a
commitfest that's older than a year.
> How does one get back to the old homepage? I figured it out, you click
> the "Archive" button. Why is that a button? Also, the row of buttons
> is now seemingly a mix of actions on the current commit fest mixed with
> site navigation.
That's primarily to mirror the style of the commitfest page a bit.
i.e. Most of the buttons there are also links, i.e. "New patch" and
all the items under "Shortcuts"
> See above, what is the hierarchy of information and
> the context of actions. This is a bit confusing.
I do agree that it would be nicer to separate them. I'll look into
improving/replacing the navigation bar. But do you think these buttons
are so confusing, that this new homepage should be blocked on that?