[MASSMAIL]Difficulties connecting pgAdmin 4.4.15 to Postgres RDS - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Gus Spier
Subject [MASSMAIL]Difficulties connecting pgAdmin 4.4.15 to Postgres RDS
Msg-id CAG8xnidtBNFuRWPuPgZ9YjJgZcVi5WUAgm+NsO-enAgWhtAOYQ@mail.gmail.com
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Responses Re: Difficulties connecting pgAdmin 4.4.15 to Postgres RDS
List pgadmin-support
1. I am constrained to use pgAdmin 4.4.15. Upgrade is not an option
2. Conventional, command-line connection goes from my workstation, to PuTTY terminal on a "dmz", and from the dmz to an intermediate, client server. These values do establish a connection.
Every attempt to connect via pgAdmin results in an error unable to connect to server: Failed to create the SSH Tunnel. Error: Could not establish session to SSH gateway
3. I use all the values from the command line connection in the pgAdmin connection ... but the failure persists.

Is there some unanticipated setting in RDS that prevents this pgAdmin connection?



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Subject: Re: Difficulties connecting pgAdmin 4.4.15 to Postgres RDS