is there any plan for another minor release? I'm facing troubles with
some queries on PostgreSQL 17 and 16 blocking upgrades causing "wrong
varnullingrels" error. Per our conversation in CSPUG (Czech language,
we have found out problem is fixed in both REL_16_STABLE and
REL_17_STABLE branches, not present in latest PostgreSQL 15 release
and also fixed in current master.
Last release (https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/postgresql-172-166-1510-1415-1318-and-1222-released-2965/)
happened at 2024-11-21. Is there any schedule I can follow or anything
I can help with to make a new release happen? Our apps work well with
both REL_16_STABLE and REL_17_STABLE checking via our app automated
test suite.