Re: SQLFunctionCache and generic plans - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Pavel Stehule
Subject Re: SQLFunctionCache and generic plans
Whole thread Raw
In response to SQLFunctionCache and generic plans  (Ronan Dunklau <>)
List pgsql-hackers

út 31. 12. 2024 v 16:36 odesílatel Alexander Pyhalov <> napsal:

>> What should we do with "pre-parsed" SQL functions (when prosrc is
>> empty)? How should we create cached plans when we don't have raw
>> parsetrees?
>> Currently we can create cached plans without raw parsetrees, but this
>> means that plan revalidation doesn't work, choose_custom_plan()
>> always returns false and we get generic plan. Perhaps, we need some
>> form
>> of GetCachedPlan(), which ignores raw_parse_tree?
> I don't think you need a new form of GetCachedPlan().  Instead, it
> seems that StmtPlanRequiresRevalidation() should be revised.  As I got
> from comments and the d8b2fcc9d4 commit message, the primary goal was
> to skip revalidation of utility statements.  Skipping revalidation was
> a positive side effect, as long as we didn't support custom plans for
> them anyway.  But as you're going to change this,
> StmtPlanRequiresRevalidation() needs to be revised.

Thanks for feedback.

I've modifed StmtPlanRequiresRevalidation() so that it looks on queries
command type.
Not sure if it's enough or I have to recreate something more similar to
logic. I was wondering if this can lead to triggering plan revalidation
in RevalidateCachedQuery().
I suppose not - as we plan in executor (so shouldn't catch userid change
or see some changes in
related objects. Revalidation would kill our plan, destroying

Also while looking at this, fixed processing of instead of rules (which
would lead to NULL execution_state).

there are lot of fails found by tester

Please, can you check it?


Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
Postgres Professional

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