I would like to import data from a csv table. But the table that is going to be inserted is constructed with arrays and composite types, also with array of composite.
I have tried many ways of inserting but fail. Can anyone help? Thank you so much.
create type p as (a int, b int);
create table f(pv p[], c int); insert into f values(array[(10,20),(30,40)]::p[], 1000); insert into f values(array[(1,20),(3,40)]::p[], -1000);
postgres=# copy f to stdout csv; "{""(10,20)"",""(30,40)""}",1000 "{""(1,20)"",""(3,40)""}",-1000 Time: 0,391 ms
So you have to respect this format. CSV doesn't know a arrays, doesn't know composite - so these values are passed as string