Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Matheus Alcantara
Subject Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f  (Robert Haas <>)
Responses Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f
List pgsql-hackers

Em seg., 13 de jan. de 2025 às 17:18, Ilia Evdokimov
<> escreveu:
> I guess, it's not ideal to modify the existing example in the documentation of the v5 patch because readers wouldn't
immediatelyunderstand why decimal fractions appear there. Instead, I'll add a brief note in the documentation
clarifyinghow rows and loops are displayed when the average row count is below one. 
> The changes the of documentation are attached v6 patch.
v6 is not applying on master, could you please rebase?

git apply v6-0001-Clarify-display-of-rows-and-loops-as-decimal-fraction.patch
error: patch failed: src/test/regress/expected/partition_prune.out:3041
error: src/test/regress/expected/partition_prune.out: patch does not apply

Matheus Alcantara

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