Thanks, please find the rebased patch set.
Dilip Kumar
I was running some tests on this patch. I was generally trying to see how the patch affects logical replication when doing bulk inserts. This issue has been raised in the past, for eg: this [1].
My test setup is:
1. Two postgres servers running - A and B
2. Create a pgbench setup on A. (pgbench -i -s 5 postgres)
3. replicate the 3 tables (schema only) on B.
4. Three publishers on A for the 3 tables of pgbench; pgbench_accounts, pgbench_branches and pgbench_tellers;
5. Three subscribers on B for the same tables. (streaming on and off based on the scenarios described below)
run pgbench with : pgbench -c 4 -T 100 postgres
While pgbench is running, Do a bulk insert on some other table not in the publication list (say t1); INSERT INTO t1 (select i FROM generate_series(1,10000000) i);
Four scenarios:
1. Pgbench with logical replication enabled without bulk insert
Avg TPS (out of 10 runs): 641 TPS
2.Pgbench without logical replication enabled with bulk insert (no pub/sub)
Avg TPS (out of 10 runs): 665 TPS
3, Pgbench with logical replication enabled with bulk insert
Avg TPS (out of 10 runs): 278 TPS
4. Pgbench with logical replication streaming on with bulk insert
Avg TPS (out of 10 runs): 440 TPS
As you can see, the bulk inserts, although on a totally unaffected table, does impact the TPS. But what is good is that, enabling streaming improves the TPS (about 58% improvement)
Ajin Cherian
Fujitsu Australia