Re: Negative values for obj_id: SELECT statements throwing errors inquery editor - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Khushboo Vashi
Subject Re: Negative values for obj_id: SELECT statements throwing errors inquery editor
Whole thread Raw
In response to Negative values for obj_id: SELECT statements throwing errors inquery editor  ("Holger Kopp-Musick" <>)
Responses Aw: Re: Negative values for obj_id: SELECT statements throwingerrors in query editor
List pgadmin-support

Please try to replace the  \web\pgadmin\tools\sqleditor\templates\sqleditor\sql\default\primary_keys.sql file with the attached file and do not forget to take a backup of the original file.
Restart the server and check the issue gets resolved or not.


On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 7:31 PM Holger Kopp-Musick <> wrote:

I'm using pgAdmin 4.12 in desktop mode on Win 10 1809, databases are 10.9 on CentOS 7.6. When executing any SELECT in the query editor, I get no data but the following error message:
Operator does not exist: - oid

I understand that converting the negative value of attrelid causes that error (full internal statement below, apparently by \web\pgadmin\tools\sqleditor\templates\sqleditor\sql\default\primary_keys.sql):

SELECT at.attname, at.attnum, ty.typname
FROM pg_attribute at LEFT JOIN pg_type ty ON (ty.oid = at.atttypid)
WHERE attrelid=-1769161114::oid AND attnum =
ANY ((SELECT con.conkey FROM pg_class rel LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid=rel.oid AND con.contype='p' WHERE rel.relkind IN ('r','s','t') AND rel.oid = -1769161114::oid)::oid[])

Strange enough, showing the first 100 rows via the menu works as expected and I couldn't reproduce that error neither on a 9.6 database (on Windows localhost) nor with pgAdmin 4.12 running on Linux (also desktop mode); pgAdmin 4.10 and pgAdmin 3 are also working without flaws.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


pgadmin-support by date:

From: Khushboo Vashi
Subject: Re: Negative values for obj_id: SELECT statements throwing errors inquery editor
From: Aidan Hoolachan
Subject: Are there any web-client-side calls to the database from pg admin?