2012/1/24 Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com>:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Julien Tachoires <julmon@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/12/15 Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com>:
>>> Uhm, surely you could compare the original toast tablespace to the heap
>>> tablespace, and if they differ, handle appropriately when creating the
>>> new toast table? Just pass down the toast tablespace into
>>> AlterTableCreateToastTable, instead of having it assume that
>>> rel->rd_rel->relnamespace is sufficient. This should be done in all
>>> cases where a toast tablespace is created, which shouldn't be more than
>>> a handful of them.
>> Thank you, that way seems right.
>> Now, I distinguish before each creation of a TOAST table with
>> AlterTableCreateToastTable() : if it will create a new one or recreate
>> an existing one.
>> Thus, in create_toast_table() when toastTableSpace is equal to
>> InvalidOid, we are able :
>> - to fallback to the main table tablespace in case of new TOAST table creation
>> - to keep it previous tablespace in case of recreation.
>> Here's a new version rebased against HEAD.
> To ask more directly the question that's come up a few times upthread,
> why do *you* think this is useful? What motivated you to want this
> behavior, and/or how do you think it could benefit other PostgreSQL
> users?
Sorry, I didn't get this question to me. I've just picked up this item
from the TODO list and then I was thinking that it could be useful. My
motivation was to learn more about PostgreSQL dev. and to work on a
concrete case. Now, I'm not sure anymore this is useful.