so that it will be able to assign the privilege, so we will be able to create the event trigger without need to run the event trigger script from super user itself?
Write a security-definer function owned by superuser and grant app_user permission to execute it.
David J.
Thank You David.
Are you saying something like below, in which we first create the function from super user and then execute the grant? But doesn't that mean, each time we want to create a new event trigger we have to be again dependent on the "super user" to modify the security definer function?
Dynamic SQL. See “execute” in plpgsql.
David J.
Even if we create the event trigger using "security definer" function embedding the "create event trigger" with in its body using dynamic sql(something as below), and in future if we need to create another event trigger , we need to again update the function and re-compile and for that , we will need it it to be compiled using user "super user", is my understanding correct here?
it will just need the "super user" to create the function for the first time , but after that the user who has the "execute grant" given (say app_user) will be able to perform updates and compile to the function body?
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_event_trigger_func() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'CREATE EVENT TRIGGER event_trigger_name ON schema_name ...'; END; $$;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION create_event_trigger_func() TO app_user;