On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 11:38 AM cca5507 <cca5507@qq.com> wrote:
in func get_rel_sync_entry() we access the same tuple in pg_class three times:
Oid schemaId = get_rel_namespace(relid);
boolam_partition = get_rel_relispartition(relid);
charrelkind = get_rel_relkind(relid);
Why not just merge into one?
I think it's just convenient. We do that at multiple places; not exactly these functions but functions which fetch relation attributes from cached tuples. Given that the tuple is cached and local to the backend, it's not too expensive. But if there are multiple places which do something like this, we may want to create more function get_rel_* function which return multiple properties in one function call. I see get_rel_namspace() and get_rel_name() called together at many places.