On 2 October 2012 17:58, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> Right, and that's all I'm trying to address here- how do we provide a
> value for a given query which can be relied upon by outside sources,
> even in the face of a point release which changes what our internal hash
> value for a given query is.
I don't know of a way. Presumably, we'd hope to avoid this, and would
look for alternatives to anything that would necessitate bumping
PGSS_FILE_HEADER, while not going so far as to let pg_stat_statements
contort things in the core system. If I was aware of a case where this
would have come up had pg_stat_statements fingerprinting been around
at the time, perhaps I could give a better answer than that.
Peter Geoghegan http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services