Well then I have the other error. With this code:
NOTICE: bpa inbound (,now_plus_30)
CONTEXT: SQL statement "select now_plus_30($1)"
PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
NOTICE: warn time in input row = ("2012-04-27 19:04:37.793835+00",now_plus_30)
CONTEXT: SQL statement "select now_plus_30($1)"
PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "("2012-04-27 19:04:37.793835+00",now_plus_30)"
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "("2012-04-27 19:04:37.793835+00",now_plus_30)"
SQL state: 22007
Context: PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
I guess you are right, though. This is the error I have to resolve.