possible race condition in trigger functions on insert operations? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Kenneth Tilton
Subject possible race condition in trigger functions on insert operations?
Msg-id CAECCA8ZzBHCfL+wwwLTLJPnYOZeO4EZcTamhcKDEbP6janWA3w@mail.gmail.com
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Responses Re: possible race condition in trigger functions on insert operations?
Re: possible race condition in trigger functions on insert operations?
Re: possible race condition in trigger functions on insert operations?
List pgsql-general
Bit of a trigger NOOB Q:

I am trying to use a trigger function to automatically populate new
rows in a table with  a public ID of the form YYYY-NNN such that the
42nd row created in 2011 would get the ID "2011-042". Each row is
associated via an iasid column with a row in an audit table that has a
timestamp column called created. This works OK, but I am worried about
two rows getting the same case_no if they come in at the same time
(whatever that means):

  case_yr integer;
  yr_case_count bigint;
  select date_part('year', created) into case_yr
         from audit
         where audit.sid = NEW.iasid;

  select count(*) into yr_case_count
    from fwa_case, audit
    where fwa_case.iasid=audit.sid
      and date_part('year', created) = case_yr;

  NEW.case_no = to_char( case_yr, '9999' ) || '-' ||
to_char(1+yr_case_count, 'FM000');
  return NEW;

Do I have to worry about this, or does ACID bail me out? If the
former, what do I do? I am thinking first put a uniqueness constraint
on the column and then figure out how to do retries in a trigger


pgsql-general by date:

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Subject: Re: synchronous replication + fsync=off?
From: "David Johnston"
Subject: Re: possible race condition in trigger functions on insert operations?