2014-02-07 22:41, Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com>:
> Generally, modifying already-release .sql files for extensions is a no-no...
I prepared separate patches for btree_gist extension with more options.
First one (btree-gist-drop-default-inet-v1.patch) removes DEFAULT keyword
only from the inet and the cidr operator classes. Second one
(btree-gist-drop-default-all-v1.patch) removes DEFAULT keyword for all
operator classes. I think it is more consistent to remove it from all.
Third one (btree-gist-drop-inet-v1.patch) removes the inet and the cidr
operator classes altogether. It is suggested by Tom Lane [1] on bug #5705.
The new GiST operator class includes basic comparison operators except !=
so it may be the right time to remove support from btree_gist. Fourth one
(btree-gist-drop-inet-and-default-v1.patch) is the second one and the third
one together.
[1] http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/10183.1287526949@sss.pgh.pa.us