Facing an issue where sometimes humans login to a database and run DDL statements causing a long locking tree of over 1000 waiters. As a workaround, we asked developers to always start their DDL sessions with 'SET lock_timeout = 'Xs'.
I reviewed the native lock timeout parameter in Postgres and found 7. None seem to be related to blocker timeouts directly.
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout idle_session_timeout lock_timeout: How long a session waits for a lock statement_timeout authentication_timeout deadlock_timeout log_lock_waits
Instead, I put together a quick procedure that counts waiter sessions for a given blocker and terminates it if waiter count exceeds a threshold.
Is there not a native way to ...
1. Automatically time out a blocker
2. A metric that shows how many waiters for a blocker?
---------------------------------------- Thank you