The feature now ( at patch v10) lets you break off with Ctrl-C anywhere. I like it now much more.
The main thing I still dislike somewhat about the patch is the verbose output. To be honest I would prefer to just remove /all/ the interactive output.
I would vote to just make it remain silent if there is no error. (and if there is an error, issue a message and exit)
Erik Rijkers
Changes in this patch:
- invalid boolean expression on \if or \elif is treated as if the script had a bad \command, so it either stops the script (ON_ERROR_STOP, script mode), or just gives the ParseVariableBool error and continues.
- All interactive "barks" removed except for
"command ignored. use \endif or Ctrl-C to exit current branch" when the user types a non-branching \command in a false branch
"query ignored. use \endif or Ctrl-C to exit current branch" when the user types a non-branching \command in a false branch
"\if: escaped" when a user does press Ctrl-C and they escape a branch.
- remaining error messages are tersed: \elif: cannot occur after \else
\elif: no matching \if \else: cannot occur after \else
\else: no matching \if
\endif: no matching \if found EOF before closing \endif(s)