July Commitfest: Entries Needing Review - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Corey Huinker
Subject July Commitfest: Entries Needing Review
Msg-id CADkLM=fOjTpfcwwxhuARPPZCQAFdrhMvVQtPC3XA4UvuFs1y1g@mail.gmail.com
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Responses Re: July Commitfest: Entries Needing Review
Re: July Commitfest: Entries Needing Review
List pgsql-hackers
There are currently 124 commitfest entries needing a reviewer.
Of those, 38 have activity this month, and the other 86 are a bit more stale, some going back to last year.

We're already past the halfway point of this commitfest, so we need to get reviewers on these.

If you know your patch isn't going to get reviewed in this commitfest, please consider moving it to the next commitfest or withdrawing it.

If you've ever wanted to review a patch, there are lots to choose from.

I'll be updating this thread every few days with our progress and increasingly hyperbolic calls to action.

source: https://commitfest.postgresql.org/48/?text=&status=1&targetversion=-1&author=-1&reviewer=-2&sortkey=2.

pgsql-hackers by date:

From: James Coleman
Subject: Seq scan instead of index scan querying single row from primary key on large table
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