Manually testing confirms that it works, at least for the connected state. I don't actually know how get psql to invoke DISCONNECT, so I killed the dev server and can confirm
[222281:14:57:01 EST] corey=# \echo :BACKEND_PID 222281 [222281:14:57:04 EST] corey=# select 1; FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed. The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed. Time: 1.554 ms [:15:02:31 EST] !> \echo :BACKEND_PID :BACKEND_PID
Clearly, it is hard to write a regression test for an externally volatile value. `SELECT sign(:BACKEND_PID)` would technically do the job, if we're striving for completeness.
The inability to easily DISCONNECT via psql, and the deleterious effect that would have on other regression tests tells me that we can leave that one untested.
This effectively makes the %p prompt (which I use in the example above) the same as %:BACKEND_PID: and we may want to note that in the documentation.
Do we want to change %p to pull from this variable and save the snprintf()? Not a measurable savings, more or a don't-repeat-yourself thing.
In the varlistentry, I suggest we add "This variable is unset when the connection is lost." after "but can be changed or unset.