Hi, all
I am a student of Computer Science and Applied Math in a university in Singapore. I'm planning to join Google Summer Code 2012 on PostgreSQL. It's quite an honor to join the postgresql hacker community.
I have some postgresql developing experience while doing my school project. I'm doing Final Year Project(FYP) in this year, which is focusing on database and will be implemented in postgresql. My prof worked with some PhD students on social network database. They designed a database schema, called RSN (relationship on social network). My FYP is about studying the properties of RSN and try to implement more efficient optimisation algorithms for database on RSN. Currently I'm having some ideas on RSN. This schema reveals a property called acyclic property, and it preserves some special join property. The acyclic database schema was well studied, and there are many papers on it. I expect full working on this topic in three months would be enough to get idea as well as implementation.
Please help me check whether this could become a topic for Postgres community. It focuses on a particular schema of social network, and this schema, to tell the truth, is still not quite mature yet. If this topic is not possible, I would like to check some other topics on query processing and optimisation, and doing the project together with my FYP in this summer. If you have some good idea on the proper topic, please recommand to me.
I'm quite glad if you could offer me some advices. Thanks a lot for your help!
Best Regards
Huang Qi Victor