Hi Tom and Laurenz,
Thank you for your timely replies. I may have misdiagnosed my problem, so I'll elaborate a bit more.
As you mentioned, I see that searching for the term "proxy" works in general:
# SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'I set up an http proxy for my network.') @@ to_tsquery('english','proxy');
(1 row)
However I ran into an anomaly with this query:
# SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'CLOUD-PROXY-SEP19-T1-254--1695167380256') @@ to_tsquery('english','cloud-proxy:*');
(1 row)
When I search with the prefix "cloud-proxy" it doesn't match the input.
When I try this:
# SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'CLOUD-SERVER-SEP19-T1-254--1695167380256') @@ to_tsquery('english','cloud-server:*');
The prefix "cloud-server" works.
Furthermore, if I switch to the 'simple' dictionary instead of 'english:
# SELECT to_tsvector('simple', 'CLOUD-PROXY-SEP19-T1-254--1695167380256') @@ to_tsquery('simple','cloud-proxy:*');
(1 row)
Here the 'cloud-proxy' prefix works.
The only difference I can see is that the 'simple' dictionary uses 'proxy' as the lexeme whereas the 'english' dictionary uses 'proxi'. Could this explain the difference in these queries, or is there something else I'm missing?
Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> writes:
> On Thu, 2023-10-05 at 21:44 +0000, PG Bug reporting form wrote:
>> The english dictionary is using the lexeme "proxi" for the token "proxy". As
>> a result, the search term "proxy" is not yielding results for records that
>> contain this word.
> I cannot reproduce that.
Me either. It suggests that you're trying to match against documents
that haven't been put through the same normalization process as the
>> I think this lexeme was chosen to support the plural of proxy which is
>> proxies. However there are other plurals where the root word is spelled
>> different and Postgres creates the correct lexeme such as: [goose or mouse]
> The snowball dictionary has no real knowledge of the words. Stemming is
> done by applying some heuristics which work "well enough" in most cases.
Yeah. I don't see anything hugely wrong with this particular
transformation. It is doing something useful, in that "proxy"
and "proxies" are both converted to the same lexeme "proxi".
In an ideal world, the lexeme would be "proxy", but it doesn't
really make that much difference if it isn't.
In any case, changing it now wouldn't be very practical, because
existing documents will already have been made into tsvectors
using this rule.
regards, tom lane