I'm fine with patch 0001, though I find this comment a bit hard to follow:
+ * The send_data callback must enqueue complete CopyData messages to libpq
+ * using pq_putmessage_noblock or similar, since the walsender loop may send
+ * CopyDone then exit and return to command mode in response to a client
+ * CopyDone between calls to send_data.
I think it needs splitting up into a couple of sentences.
Fair point, remember it was originally written by a non-english speaker
In patch 0002, stopping during a txn. It's important that once we skip any action, we continue skipping. In patch 0002 I'd like it to be clearer that we will *always* skip the rb->commit callback if rb->continue_decoding_cb() returned false and aborted the while loop. I suggest storing the result of (rb->continue_decoding_cb == NULL || rb->continue_decoding_cb()) in an assignment within the while loop, and testing that result later.
I don't actually think it's necessary to re-test the continue_decoding callback and skip commit here. If we've sent all the of the txn
except the commit, we might as well send the commit, it's tiny and might save some hassle later.
I think a comment on the skipped commit would be good too:
* If we skipped any changes due to a client CopyDone we must not send a commit
* otherwise the client would incorrectly think it received a complete transaction.
I notice that the fast-path logic in WalSndWriteData is removed by this patch. It isn't moved; there's no comparison of last_reply_timestamp and wal_sender_timeout now. What's the rationale there? You want to ensure that we reach ProcessRepliesIfAny() ? Can we cheaply test for a readable client socket then still take the fast-path if it's not readable?
This may have been a mistake as I am taking this over from a very old patch that I did not originally write. I'll have a look at this