Re: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Adrian Grucza
Subject Re: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB
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In response to RE: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB  (Kamil ADEM <>)
Responses RE: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB
List pgsql-odbc
Hi Kamil,

Yes I also found that output parameters were not processed when calling procedures. In May I included a fix for this in the below commit, but there has not been a release of psqlODBC since then.

Until this change is released, you would have to build your own version of the driver as per

But I do hope there will be a new release soon, as I too am keen to have an official release that contains this fix.

Adrian Grucza
Technical Lead
Tel: +61390185800
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On Thu, 16 Sept 2021 at 23:23, Kamil ADEM <> wrote:

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Hi Adrian,


Thank you very much for your support.


Yes, I tried setting CommandText as you propose and succeeded to call the procedure. But I got another minor problem this time. I hope you have a solution for this too. 😊

To be more clear, here are the source codes:

Postgres procedure:


LANGUAGE plpgsql

   AS $$


                insert into tohal_kullanici (satis_faturasi_sira_no, ad) values (VALUE_INOUT, USERNAME);

                VALUE_INOUT := 20;


END; $$;

MFC code:

_CommandPtr pCommand;

pCommand->CommandType = adCmdText;

pCommand->CommandText = _bstr_t("CALL SP_TEST(?, ?)");

pCommand->Parameters->Append(pCommand->CreateParameter(_bstr_t("$1"), adInteger, adParamInputOutput, 0));

pCommand->Parameters->Append(pCommand->CreateParameter(_bstr_t("$2"), adVarChar, adParamInput, 255));

pCommand->Parameters->Item[_variant_t((long)1)]->Value = _variant_t(CString("Test10"));

pCommand->Parameters->Item[_variant_t((long)0)]->Value = _variant_t((long)10);

pCommand->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdText);


The procedure is called and the parameter values are passed correctly to the procedure. But the first parameter value is not returned to the C code, the value set before Execute() remains unchanged.

Do you have any idea about the reason of this case?


Thanks in advance.


Kamil Adem



From: Adrian Grucza <>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 2:07 PM
To: Kamil ADEM <>
Subject: Re: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB


Hi Kamil,


Have you tried changing pCommand->CommandText to _bstr_t("CALL sp_TEST(?, ?, ?)"), with one question mark per parameter?


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Adrian Grucza  

Technical Lead



Level 16 385 Bourke St




The contents of this email originated from Iress. For this purpose Iress includes Iress Limited and/or any of its subsidiaries, holding companies and trading entities. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately and delete this email. 


On Thu, 16 Sept 2021 at 17:49, Kamil ADEM <> wrote:


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We porting a Windows MFC application from MSSQLServer to PostgreSQL and trying to use psqlODBC driver with Microsoft ADODB.

We are currently performing the migration steps of our C sources and got stuck on an issue and thought to ask for your help.


We use Microsoft ADODB on Windows to access the database and cannot change this interface in short time. To access Postgres we changed the connection string accordingly. (e.g. “Driver= {PostgreSQL ANSI};”)

On calling Postgres procedures we have the following code sample:

_CommandPtr pCommand;

pCommand->CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;

pCommand->CommandText = _bstr_t(“sp_TEST”);


pCommand->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc | adExecuteNoRecords);

The Execute() method generates the command: “SELECT * FROM sp_TEST(…)” instead of “CALL sp_TEST(…)”. This is appropriate for Postgres functions, but there must be a way to call procedures also.

Do you know such a reported issue?  Do you know a way to change this behaviour? Should we use a different driver? Should we get rid of procedures and convert our MSSQL stored procedures to Postgres functions?


We would be grateful if you can guide us to the right solution.

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,


Kamil Adem

Aqvila Software Yazılım A.Ş.





pgsql-odbc by date:

From: Kamil ADEM
Subject: RE: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB
From: Kamil ADEM
Subject: RE: Problem on calling procedures with ADODB