The patch applies cleanly, and works as advertised. Nice work!
Quick notes:
* doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml
In the varlistentry section, the order should be the same as the other places (N after m)
Line 1644 has an extra comma
Line 1651, maybe the example is simpler as \dNt to keep the wording better, because "indexes that are not partitions" looks odd.
These bits:
pg_log_error("Did not find any%s relations named \"%s\".",
no_partition_description, pattern);
are not good for translation. We want things simple with replaceable args/constants, but not replaceable words.
I think the myopt.title ones are fine.
* bin/psql/help.c:
\\dN[Sx+] [PATTERN] list relation, table, index (no partitions)
better as:
\\dN[Sx+] [PATTERN] list tables and indexes (no partitions)