I have two tables, 1 is a hierarchical table and the other a map to alternative hierarchies. Given a starting node, I need to be able to return the hierarchy and all related hierarchies.
In the mike_hier table note that:
aaa is the top of my target hierarchy with a children; bbb and ccc
However, from mike_map (see below) , we see that there are two alternative hierarchies for aaa, namely ddd, and eee .
CREATE TABLE mike_hier
key character(3) NOT NULL,
val character varying(5),
parent character(3),
INSERT INTO mike_hier( key, val, parent) VALUES
key character(3) NOT NULL,
child character(3),
parent character(3),
insert into mike_map (key,child,parent) values
I got pretty much what I want with :
recursive inn_t(keyv, val, parent) as (
select * from (
select key as keyv, val, parent
from mike_hier hi where hi.key ='aaa'
union all
-- get all alt hierarchies
select child ,null ,null from mike_map ma where ma.parent ='aaa' ) gg
union all
with xxx as ( select * from inn_t i ) -- only a single reference allowed to inn_t
select * from
select mh.key , mh.val , mh.parent
from mike_hier mh
where mh.parent in (select keyv from xxx) -- normally would join inn_t
union all
select child ,null ,null
from mike_map ma
where ma.parent in (select keyv from xxx) -- normally would join inn_t
) unionall
select distinct * from inn_t where val is not null;
So far so good, but what if I introduce a data loop?
insert into mike_map (key,child,parent) values
WITH RECURSIVE search_graph(id, link, data, depth, path, cycle) AS ( SELECT g.id, g.link, g.data, 1, ARRAY[g.id], false FROM graph g UNION ALL SELECT g.id, g.link, g.data, sg.depth + 1, path || g.id, g.id = ANY(path) FROM graph g, search_graph sg WHERE g.id = sg.link AND NOT cycle
SELECT * FROM search_graph;
I can't figure out how to work this ARRAY concept into my existing query since I am not actually JOINing in the recursive part of my query.