Hello Team,
I am working on upgrading Postgres at my current organization using logical replication.
In most of the cases Logical replication works fine, but in below scenario it just stalls for more than 24 hours
Primary DB - Pg10.11
Table Size - 90 GB including 20 GB of indexes
Secondary - Pg11.6
After few hours table is still being copied in the pg_stat_replication and plg_replication_slot I can replication is live currently and table size on the secondary is increasing,
When I check the table size on the primary using pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('test')), it shows 90 GB but on the secondary where replication is happening it shows more than 150GB, and still replication is in progress with no errors in the logs.
This problem does not happen with tables which have less write activity (updates/inserts).
Please let me know if this is a known issue or is there any way I can fix this problem using some configuration.
Any insights would be gratefully appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Mukesh Chhatani