The following bug has been logged on the website: Bug reference: 18821 Logged by: Marlene Saransig Email address: PostgreSQL version: 15.2 Operating system: Alma Linux 9.1 Description: Need to eliminate files of /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/pg_wal/, because overcome limit define in max_wal_size and this increase size used in hard disk It is necesary to conserve files necesary to correct perfomance and funcionality of database Actual configuration: PostgreSQL 15.2 max_wal_size=4GB min_wal_size=1GB wal_level=logical checkpoint_timeout=5min wal_compression=off shared_buffers=2560MB archive_mode=off du -sh /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/pg_wal/ obtain size 213GB find /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/pg_wal/ -type f | wc -l obtain numbers of files 13581
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