Re: Conflict detection for update_deleted in logical replication - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Nisha Moond
Subject Re: Conflict detection for update_deleted in logical replication
Whole thread Raw
In response to RE: Conflict detection for update_deleted in logical replication  ("Zhijie Hou (Fujitsu)" <>)
List pgsql-hackers
On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 4:52 PM Zhijie Hou (Fujitsu)
<> wrote:
> On Friday, January 3, 2025 2:36 PM Masahiko Sawada <> wrote:
> Hi,
> >
> > I have one comment on the 0001 patch:
> Thanks for the comments!
> >
> > +       /*
> > +        * The changes made by this and later transactions are still
> > non-removable
> > +        * to allow for the detection of update_deleted conflicts when
> > applying
> > +        * changes in this logical replication worker.
> > +        *
> > +        * Note that this info cannot directly protect dead tuples from being
> > +        * prematurely frozen or removed. The logical replication launcher
> > +        * asynchronously collects this info to determine whether to advance
> > the
> > +        * xmin value of the replication slot.
> > +        *
> > +        * Therefore, FullTransactionId that includes both the
> > transaction ID and
> > +        * its epoch is used here instead of a single Transaction ID. This is
> > +        * critical because without considering the epoch, the transaction ID
> > +        * alone may appear as if it is in the future due to transaction ID
> > +        * wraparound.
> > +        */
> > +       FullTransactionId oldest_nonremovable_xid;
> >
> > The last paragraph of the comment mentions that we need to use
> > FullTransactionId to properly compare XIDs even after the XID wraparound
> > happens. But once we set the oldest-nonremovable-xid it prevents XIDs from
> > being wraparound, no? I mean that workers'
> > oldest-nonremovable-xid values and slot's non-removal-xid (i.e., its
> > xmin) are never away from more than 2^31 XIDs.
> I think the issue is that the launcher may create the replication slot after
> the apply worker has already set the 'oldest_nonremovable_xid' because the
> launcher are doing that asynchronously. So, Before the slot is created, there's
> a window where transaction IDs might wrap around. If initially the apply worker
> has computed a candidate_xid (755) and the xid wraparound before the launcher
> creates the slot, causing the new current xid to be (740), then the old
> candidate_xid(755) looks like a xid in the future, and the launcher could
> advance the xmin to 755 which cause the dead tuples to be removed prematurely.
> (We are trying to reproduce this to ensure that it's a real issue and will
> share after finishing)

I tried to reproduce the issue described above, where an
xid_wraparound occurs before the launcher creates the conflict slot,
and the apply worker retains a very old xid (from before the
wraparound) as its oldest_nonremovable_xid.

In this scenario, the launcher will not update the apply worker's
older epoch xid (oldest_nonremovable_xid = 755) as the conflict slot's
xmin. This is because advance_conflict_slot_xmin() ensures proper
handling by comparing the full 64-bit xids. However, this could lead
to real issues if 32-bit TransactionID were used instead of 64-bit
FullTransactionID. The detailed test steps and results are as below:

Setup:  A Publisher-Subscriber setup with logical replication.

Steps done to reproduce the test scenario -
On Sub -
1) Created a subscription with detect_update_deleted=off, so no
conflict slot to start with.
2) Attached gdb to the launcher and put a breakpoint at
3) Run "alter subscription ..... (detect_update_deleted=ON);"
4) Stopped the launcher at the start of the
"advance_conflict_slot_xmin()",  and blocked the creation of the
conflict slot.
5) Attached another gdb session to the apply worker and made sure it
has set an oldest_nonremovable_xid . In
"maybe_advance_nonremovable_xid()" -

  (gdb) p MyLogicalRepWorker->oldest_nonremovable_xid
  $3 = {value = 760}
  -- so apply worker's oldest_nonremovable_xid = 760

6) Consumed ~4.2 billion xids to let the xid_wraparound happen. After
the wraparound, the next_xid was "705", which is less than "760".
7) Released the launcher from gdb, but the apply_worker still stopped in gdb.
8) The slot gets created with xmin=705 :

  postgres=# select slot_name, slot_type, active, xmin, catalog_xmin,
restart_lsn, inactive_since, confirmed_flush_lsn from
         slot_name       | slot_type | active | xmin | catalog_xmin |
restart_lsn | inactive_since | confirmed_flush_lsn

  pg_conflict_detection | physical  | t      |  705 |              |
          |                |
  (1 row)

Next, when launcher tries to advance the slot's xmin in
advance_conflict_slot_xmin() with new_xmin as the apply worker's
oldest_nonremovable_xid(760), it returns without updating the slot's
xmin because of below check -
  if (FullTransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals(new_xmin, full_xmin))
    return false;
we are comparing the full xids (64-bit) in
FullTransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals() and in this case the values are:
  full_xmin=4294968001 (w.r.t. xid=705)

As "760 <= 4294968001", the launcher will return from here and not
update the slot's xmin to "760".  Above check will always be true in
such scenarios.
Note: The launcher would have updated the slot's xmin to 760 if 32-bit
XIDs were being compared, i.e., "760 <= 705".


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