Authentication Options: You may use any authentication method you prefer, such as scram-sha-256, md5 or cert for certificate-based authentication, to ensure secure connections.
Replication User Configuration: For the replication user make sure both nodes replication users set in pg_hba.conf like
Ensure pg_hba.conf on each node allows connections from the other node’s IP, and postgresql.conf has listen_addresses set to accept connections from the other node’s IP (or '*' to allow all IPs).
Apply Configuration: After making these changes, restart both servers to apply them.
Failover: By default failover is not available but a couple of reliable open source products available like
Hello, I am currently setting up PostgreSQL Stream Replication for a replication configuration.
I am using PostgreSQL version 14.12on a RedHat 8.9 environment,
and my setup consists of a Primary-Standby replication configuration with two nodes.
Due to certain constraints, I cannot add more nodes or use external nodes.
1-1. How should I configure postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf for this setup? I would liketo implement automatic failover with only these two nodes.
1-2. Is it possible to achieve this setup? If so, could you advise on the specific configuration steps needed? I would greatly appreciate any guidance from those with experience in this area. Thank you.