Dave> Apparently https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP uses this method;
As far as I understand, HikariCP is using dynamic bytecode generation,
so they do not have to include all the signatures in their sources.
On contrary, we need to implement 4.2 interfaces, so at some point we
would end up with SQLType in pgjdbc's signatures.
Mark> My experience is that Ant gives you a lot more flexibility
What that flexibility is good for?
The drawbacks of Ant are:
1) No "easy way to configure IDE". This includes "download javadoc and
source", adding dependencies to the classpath, etc, etc.
2) No easy way to run tests. With maven you just hit `mvn install` or
`mvn test` and it just works. With Ant you have to read instructions.
3) No easy way to test different versions. With maven, I can depend on
"snapshot" versions in my client application, and I easily can
Unfortunately, due to #1, debugging dependencies is not that easy.
4) No easy integration with other systems. For instance, if using
maven you can just add findbugs, sonar, etc, etc.
If you want to try recent Facebook's infer, you just hit `infer mvn install`
Well, gradle might be even better approach, however I have not used it
yet, so I have nothing to say here.