2025年2月28日(金) 0:54 Sri Mrudula Attili <sri@ebi.ac.uk>:
> Hello All,
> I am looking for a mysql foreign data wrapper in our postgresql v16 environment.
> We have a mysql database and postgresql database that needs to read and write data to.
> So while going through the reliable mysql_fdw I came across the below
> https://docs.opengauss.org/en/docs/5.0.0-lite/docs/DatabaseAdministrationGuide/mysql_fdw.html
> https://github.com/EnterpriseDB/mysql_fdw
> I wanted to go ahead with the EDB provided extension, but while reading the guide it says "supported database
versions- EPAS 16"
> Does that mean it can only be used with the EDB provided postgresql versions and not the standard PGDG ones?
> Where as the opengauss one says "To compile and use mysql_fdw, the MariaDB development packages must be included in
theenvironment. "
> We are not using MariaDB so I am confused to go with which one, please advise.
It should be available as a package via the PGDG community
repositories, e.g. for RPMs:
Otherwise it should be possible to build it yourself using the MySQL
or MariaDB dev packages.
Ian Barwick