I'm benchmarked v17 patches.
Testing was done on a 96-core machine, with PGDATA completely placed in tmpfs.
PostgreSQL was built with CFLAGS -O2.
for-update PgBench script:
\set aid random_zipfian(1, 100, 2)
select :aid from pgbench_accounts where aid = :aid for update;
update pgbench_accounts set abalance = abalance + 1 where aid = :aid;
update pgbench_accounts set abalance = abalance * 2 where aid = :aid;
update pgbench_accounts set abalance = abalance - 2 where aid = :aid;
Before each test sample data was filled with "pgbench -i -s 100", testing was performed 3 times for 1 hour each test.
The benchmark results are presented with changing multi_xact_members_buffers and multicast_offsets_buffers (1:2 respectively):
settings tps
multixact_members_buffers_64Kb 693.2
multixact_members_buffers_128Kb 691.4
multixact_members_buffers_192Kb 696.3
multixact_members_buffers_256Kb 694.4
multixact_members_buffers_320Kb 692.3
multixact_members_buffers_448Kb 693.7
multixact_members_buffers_512Kb 693.3
vanilla 676.1
Best regards, Dmitry Vasiliev.