Partitioning and unique key - Mailing list pgsql-general

From veem v
Subject Partitioning and unique key
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Re: Partitioning and unique key
List pgsql-general


We have our transaction tables daily range partitioned based on transaction_timestamp column which is timestamptz data type and these are having composite primary key on (transaction_id, transaction_timestamp). And we were using an "insert on conflict" for loading data to our system , which means if another record comes to the system with the same transaction_id and transaction_timestamp, it will get updated. This way we already have 60 days worth of data stored in our system with approx. 70 million transactions per day.

But we just got to know from business that the data should be unique by only transaction_id but not transaction_timestamp. Any incoming data with the same transaction_id(even different transaction_timestamp) should get updated but not inserted.

Also these daily partitions are going to hold 400million rows in future and will be queried on the transaction_timestamp filter so we can't really avoid the partitioning option here considering future growth.

But due to postgres limitations we are unable to have this unique constraint or primary key only on the transaction_id column, we have to include transaction_timestamp with it as a composite key. So I want to understand from experts if there is any possible way to satisfy both partitioning on transaction_timestamp column and unique key or pk just on transaction_id only? 

Note-its 15.4 postgres database. 



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From: Adrian Klaver
Subject: Re: Partitioning and unique key