On Mon, 10 Feb 2025 at 17:34, Mukesh Tanuku <mukesh.postgres@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2025-02-10 04:22:00.823 GMT [2468337] ERROR: trailing junk after numeric literal at or near "5m" at character 28
> 2025-02-10 04:22:00.823 GMT [2468337] STATEMENT: SET idle_session_timeout = 5min
> 2025-02-10 04:22:03.487 GMT [2468342] ERROR: trailing junk after numeric literal at or near "5m" at character 28
> 2025-02-10 04:22:03.487 GMT [2468342] STATEMENT: SET idle_session_timeout = 5min
> 2025-02-10 04:22:04.470 GMT [2468345] ERROR: trailing junk after numeric literal at or near "5m" at character 28
> Is there any know issue/bug with these paramters, can someone help me to get this worked since our app idle
connectionsare getting pilled up and reaching max connections.
I don't see any issues with the postgresql.conf, but it looks like
you're just missing single quotes in your SET statements. See [1],
where it says:
"New value of parameter. Values can be specified as string constants,
identifiers, numbers, or comma-separated lists of these, as
appropriate for the particular parameter."
String constants [2] require single quotes or the dollar quoting
format and 5min isn't a valid number.
[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/sql-set.html
[2] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-STRINGS