GSoC 2012 - Mailing list pgsql-students

From Maxim Smyatkin
Subject GSoC 2012
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List pgsql-students
Hello all!

I am Russian first year Master student. My specialization is Information Technologies and the subject of my Master's thesis will be related with DBMSs' internals. My experience in this direction consists of (ordered by date):
- "The Relational DMBSs" (client side) and "The Modern DBMSs" courses at the University;
- implementation of Firebird engine for GSQL project as the course project on the Relational DBMSs;
- about 14 month worked at Red Soft Corp. as Red Database (Firebird's fork) core developer. During this period I was studying Firebird's Internals (read papers, learned the code, got 6-day master-class on this Subject by Dmitry Emanov - Firebird's lead developer), was involved in Red Database 2.5 implementation (i have imported features from Red Database 2.0, fixed some bugs, done several little improvements and have implemented Group algorithm based on B+-Tree);
- choosing the master degree subject within DBMS internals area and started studying it more detailed. Also I am getting right now "Architecture of DBMSs" course at the University based on Hellerstein and Stonebraker "Readings in Database Systems".

Basing on my knowledge, I think I am able to implement FDW (particular for wrapping Firebird data). But, as I wrote before, I'm also strongly interested in DBMS internals. So, if there is any ideas, related with PostgreSQL's Core, I, probably, will like them even more.
And one another question:) Many projects advise students to do some little patches to be accepted, but i have not found something about it in PostgreSQL GSoC 2012 page. I just missed it, or you have another criteria?

Thank you!
Smyatkin Maxim.

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