I've been investigating parallelizing certain correlated subqueries,
and during that work stumbled across the fact that
set_rel_consider_parallel disallows parallel query on what seems like
a fairly simple case.
Consider this query:
select t.unique1
from tenk1 t
join lateral (select t.unique1 from tenk1 offset 0) l on true;
Current set_rel_consider_parallel sets consider_parallel=false on the
subquery rel because it has a limit/offset. That restriction makes a
lot of sense when we have a subquery whose results conceptually need
to be "shared" (or at least be the same) across multiple workers
(indeed the relevant comment in that function notes that cases where
we could prove a unique ordering would also qualify, but punts on
implementing that due to complexity). But if the subquery is LATERAL,
then no such conceptual restriction.
If we change the code slightly to allow considering parallel query
even in the face of LIMIT/OFFSET for LATERAL subqueries, then our
query above changes from the following plan:
Nested Loop
Output: t.unique1
-> Gather
Output: t.unique1
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Index Only Scan using tenk1_unique1 on public.tenk1 t
Output: t.unique1
-> Gather
Output: NULL::integer
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Index Only Scan using tenk1_hundred on public.tenk1
Output: NULL::integer
to this plan:
Output: t.unique1
Workers Planned: 2
-> Nested Loop
Output: t.unique1
-> Parallel Index Only Scan using tenk1_unique1 on public.tenk1 t
Output: t.unique1
-> Index Only Scan using tenk1_hundred on public.tenk1
Output: NULL::integer
The code change itself is quite simple (1 line). As far as I can tell
we don't need to expressly check parallel safety of the limit/offset
expressions; that appears to happen elsewhere (and that makes sense
since the RTE_RELATION case doesn't check those clauses either).
If I'm missing something about the safety of this (or any other
issue), I'd appreciate the feedback.