On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Joshua D. Drake <jd@commandprompt.com> wrote:
>> It's not as insane as introducing an archiving gap, PANICing and
>> crashing, or running this hunk o junk I wrote
>> http://github.com/fdr/ratchet
> Well certainly we shouldn't PANIC and crash but that is a simple fix. You
> have a backup write location and start logging really loudly that you are
> using it.
If I told you there were some of us who would prefer to attenuate the
rate that things get written rather than cancel or delay archiving for
a long period of time, would that explain the framing of the problem?
Or, is it that you understand that's what I want, but find the notion
of such a operation hard to relate to?
Or, am I misunderstanding your confusion?
Or, none of the above?