On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 12:54 AM Bertrand Drouvot
<bertranddrouvot.pg@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 05:55:19PM -0500, Melanie Plageman wrote:
> > It still needs polishing (e.g. I need to figure out where to put the new guc hook
> > functions and enums and such)
> yeah, I wonder if it would make sense to create new dedicated "connection_logging"
> file(s).
I think for now there isn't enough for a new file. I think these are
probably okay in postmaster.c since this has to do with postmaster
starting new connections.
> > I'm worried the list of possible connection log messages could get
> > unwieldy if we add many more.
> Thinking out loud, I'm not sure we'd add "many more" but maybe what we could do
> is to introduce some predefined groups like:
> 'basic' (that would be equivalent to 'received, + timings introduced in 0002')
> 'security' (equivalent to 'authenticated,authorized')
> Not saying we need to create this kind of predefined groups now, just an idea
> in case we'd add many more: that could "help" the user experience, or are you
> more concerned about the code maintenance?
I was more worried about the user having to provide very long lists.
But groupings could be a sensible solution in the future.
> Just did a quick test, (did not look closely at the code), and it looks like
> that:
> 'all': does not report the "received" (but does report authenticated and authorized)
> 'received': does not work?
> 'authenticated': works
> 'authorized': works
Thanks for testing! Ouch, there were many bugs in that prototype. My
enums were broken and a few other things.
I found some bugs in 0002 as well. Attached v8 fixes the issues I found so far.
We have to be really careful about when log_connections is actually
set before we use it -- I fixed some issues with that.
I decided to move the creation_time out of ClientSocket and into
BackendStartupData, but that meant I had to save it in the
ConnectionTiming because we don't have access to the
BackendStartupData anymore in PostgresMain(). That means
ConnectionTiming is now a mixture of times and durations. I think that
should be okay (i.e. not too confusing and gross), but I'm not sure.
It is called ConnectionTiming and not ConnectionDuration, after all.
- Melanie