Re: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Melanie Plageman
Subject Re: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum
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In response to Re: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum  (Nazir Bilal Yavuz <>)
Responses Re: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum
List pgsql-hackers
Thanks for the review!

On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 10:57 AM Nazir Bilal Yavuz <> wrote:
> Here are couple of code comments:
> === [PATCH v2 07/10] ===
> It took me a while to understand that heap_vac_scan_next_block() loops
> until rel_pages. What do you think about adding
> Assert(vacrel->current_block == rel_pages) before the
> pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_VACUUM_HEAP_BLKS_SCANNED,
> rel_pages) and having a comment on main loop should process blocks
> until rel_pages?

I added these to the v3 I sent in [1]

> === [PATCH v2 09/10] ===
> + * If there are no indexes or index scanning is disabled, phase II may be
> + * skipped. If phase I identified very few dead index entries, vacuum may skip
> + * phases II and III. Index vacuuming deletes the dead index entries from the
> + * TID store.
> phase III is not mentioned in the previous comments. It could be
> better to first explain what phase III is before mentioning it.
> + * After index vacuuming is complete, vacuum scans the blocks of the relation
> + * indicated by the TIDs in the TID store and reaps the dead tuples, freeing
> + * that space for future tuples. Finally, vacuum may truncate the relation if
> + * it has emptied pages at the end.
> + *
> + * After finishing all phases of work, vacuum updates relation statistics in
> + * pg_class and the cumulative statistics subsystem.
> There is no clear definition of phase III here as well. I can not
> understand what phase III is and which parts the vacuum may skip.

I've attempted to address this in v3.

> === [PATCH v2 10/10] ===
> +        /*
> +         * The number of eagerly scanned blocks an eager vacuum failed to
> +         * freeze (due to age) in the current eager scan region. Eager vacuums
> +         * reset it to EAGER_SCAN_MAX_FAILS_PER_REGION each time they enter a
> +         * new region of the relation. Aggressive vacuums also decrement this
> +         * coutner but it is initialized to # blocks in the relation.
> +         */
> s/coutner/counter


>  /* non-export function prototypes */
> +
>  static void lazy_scan_heap(LVRelState *vacrel);
> Extra blank line.


> +    if (TransactionIdIsNormal(vacrel->cutoffs.relfrozenxid) &&
> +        TransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals(vacrel->cutoffs.relfrozenxid,
> +                                      vacrel->cutoffs.FreezeLimit))
> +        oldest_unfrozen_requires_freeze = true;
> +
> +    if (MultiXactIdIsValid(vacrel->cutoffs.relminmxid) &&
> +        MultiXactIdPrecedesOrEquals(vacrel->cutoffs.relminmxid,
> +                                    vacrel->cutoffs.MultiXactCutoff))
> +        oldest_unfrozen_requires_freeze = true;
> You may want to short-circuit the second if condition with
> !oldest_unfrozen_requires_freeze but it may increase the complexity,
> up to you.

Good point. Done.

> +    vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_fails = EAGER_SCAN_MAX_FAILS_PER_REGION *
> +        (1 - vacrel->next_eager_scan_region_start / EAGER_SCAN_REGION_SIZE);
> This will always return EAGER_SCAN_MAX_FAILS_PER_REGION or 0 because
> of the integer dividing.

Ah, wow, thanks so much for catching that!

> +    if (aggressive)
> +    {
> +        vacrel->eagerness = VAC_AGGRESSIVE;
> +
> +        /*
> +         * An aggressive vacuum must scan every all-visible page to safely
> +         * advance the relfrozenxid and/or relminmxid. As such, there is no
> +         * cap to the number of allowed successes or failures.
> +         */
> +        vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_fails = vacrel->rel_pages + 1;
> +        vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes = vacrel->rel_pages + 1;
> +        return;
> +    }
> ...
> ...
> +        if (was_eager_scanned)
> +        {
> +            if (vm_page_frozen)
> +            {
> +                Assert(vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes > 0);
> +                vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes--;
> +
> +                if (vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes == 0)
> +                {
> +                    Assert(vacrel->eagerness == VAC_EAGER);
> My initial thought was that since *was_eager_scanned* is true,
> Assert(vacrel->eagerness == VAC_EAGER) should be under the top if
> condition (I assumed that was_eager_scanned is only true for eager
> vacuums, not for aggressive vacuums too) but I see your point here.
> Since you set vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes to
> vacrel->rel_pages + 1, vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes can not
> reach 0 although all pages are processed as successful. I think
> comment is needed in both places to explain why
> vacrel->eager_pages.[remaining_fails | remaining_successes] is set to
> vacrel->rel_pages + 1 and why vacrel->eagerness should be VAC_EAGER
> when was_eager_scanned is true and
> vacrel->eager_pages.remaining_successes is 0.

Makes sense. I've attempted to clarify as you suggest in v3.

- Melanie


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