You may use a correlated subquery in the SELECT clause, like this:
SELECT u.elo, u.uid, (SELECT AVG(score) FROM words_moves WHERE uid=u.uid), s.given,
this has worked great for me:
SELECT u.elo, (SELECT ROUND(AVG(score), 1) FROM words_moves WHERE uid = u.uid) AS score, s.given, FROM words_users u JOIN words_social s USING (uid) WHERE u.elo > 1500 -- take the most recent record from words_social AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_social x WHERE s.uid = x.uid AND x.stamp > s.stamp) -- only show players who where active in the last week AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_moves WHERE played > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 week' AND action IN ('play', 'skip', 'swap', 'resign')) ORDER BY u.elo DESC LIMIT 10