Hello again, please 1 more question:
can I have a SELECT statement inside of an IF-conditional?
The doc
does not list such an example.
I'm asking, because I'd like to get rid of the has_vip
variable in my rewritten procedure below:
/* move 1 week of VIP-status from
player _from to player _to */
create or replace function pref_move_week(_from varchar,
_to varchar) returns void as $BODY$
has_vip timestamp;
select vip into has_vip from pref_users
where id=_from
and vip > current_timestamp + interval '1 week';
if (has_vip is NULL) then
end if;
update pref_users set
vip = vip - interval '1 week'
where id=_from;
update pref_users set
vip = greatest(vip, current_timestamp) + interval '1 week'
where id=_to;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;