> Of course, a patch for that would be a few orders of magnitude
> larger than what you've got here :-(. But if you're looking
> for a framework for reporting these sorts of details, I'd
> much rather go in that direction than follow the model of
> VACUUM VERBOSE. VACUUM VERBOSE is a kluge with little to
> recommend it other than having been easy to implement.
To my surprise, REINDEX does have a VERBOSE option.
should have check this earlier :)
postgres=# reindex (verbose) index t_idx1;
INFO: index "t_idx1" was reindexed
DETAIL: CPU: user: 5.33 s, system: 0.48 s, elapsed: 6.26 s
Is there a reason not to do the same for CREATE INDEX?
Also, we can improve the REINDEX verbose message by
also providing the parallel usage.