> EXPLAIN output. It wouldn't make sense for core to have an EXPLAIN
> option whose whole purpose is to cater to the needs of some extension,
> so that made me think of providing some extensibility infrastructure.
Making EXPLAIN extensible sounds like a good idea.. FWIW, There is a
discussion [0]
for showing FDW remote plans ( postgres_fdw specifically), and I think
we will need to
add some new options to EXPLAIN to make that possible.
Have not looked at your patches, but I will do so now.
Sami Imseih
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
[0] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAA5RZ0vXiOiodrNQ-Va4FCAkXMpGA%3DGZDeKjFBRgRvHGuW7s7Q%40mail.gmail.com