On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 9:46 AM Paul A Jungwirth
<pj@illuminatedcomputing.com> wrote:
> - A multirange type is an extra thing you get when you define a range
> (just like how you get a tstzrange[]). Therefore....
I've been able to make a little more progress on multiranges the last
few days, but it reminded me of an open question I've had for awhile:
typmods! I see places in the range code that gesture toward supporting
typmods, but none of the existing range types permit them. For
postgres=# select '5'::numeric(4,2);
(1 row)
postgres=# select '[1,4)'::numrange(4,2);
ERROR: type modifier is not allowed for type "numrange"
LINE 1: select '[1,4)'::numrange(4,2);
So I'm wondering how seriously I should take this for multiranges? I
guess if a range type did support typmods, it would just delegate to
the underlying element type for their meaning, and so a multirange
should delegate it too? Is there any historical discussion around
typemods on range types?